Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees


Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Alexandre Ern served as reviewer for dozens of papers in different journals.

  • Michel Kern was a reviewer for OGST, BIT, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Computers and Geosciences.

  • Martin Vohralík served as reviewer for dozens of papers in different journals.

Invited Talks

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Alexandre Ern is the leader of the Master Mathématiques et applications, Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées.

  • M. Kern is a member of the Scientific Committee of Orap (ORganisation Associative du Parallélisme), of the steering committee of Géosciences franciliennes of the Scientific Board of GDR Calcul, and of the jury and executive board of Label C3I.

  • M. Vohralík is a member of the steering committees of Géosciences franciliennes and Summer schools CEA–EDF–Inria.

  • M. Vohralík is in charge of the topic “Numerical schemes, mesh generation algorithms, and error control” in the ANDRA, BRGM, CEA, EDF, IFP Energies Nouvelles, and Total working group on High-Performance Numerical Simulation in the Geosciences (identification of common challenges and collaboration opportunities).

Scientific Expertise

  • M. Kern is a reviewer for the German Supercomputing Center JARA program.

Research Administration

  • François Clément is a member of the Comité local d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail of the Inria Research Center of Paris.

  • François Clément was the AMIES facilitator of the Inria Research Center of Paris until June 2018.

  • M. Kern is Deputy Director of Maison de la Simulation, a joint project between CEA, CNRS, Inria, Université de Paris 11, and Université de Versailles, focused on applications of high end computing.

  • M. Kern is a member of the Comité de site of the Inria center of Paris.

  • Géraldine Pichot was a member of the Comité local d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail of the Inria Research Center of Paris until Sep 2018.

  • Géraldine Pichot was a member of the Commission de développement technologique of the Inria Research Center of Paris until March 2018.

  • Martin Vohralík is a member of the Inria Paris Committee on scientific positions (evaluation of applications for Ph.D. theses (CORDI-S), post-docs, and “délégations”).